Executive certification available for everyone and everywhere.
Choose one of our German educational programs from Institute for Business and Management – Heidelberg Skopje and open your way to success with Heidelberg Faculty of Skopje.
Choose one of our programs
february 2025
Teaching location – hybrid:
Heidelberg Faculty of Skopje /
ONLINE live learning platform
Total: 80 hours
Lecture dynamics: once a week
MARCH 2025
Teaching location – online:
ONLINE live learning platform
Total: 100 hours
Lecture dynamics: twice a week
Teaching location – hybrid:
Heidelberg Faculty of Skopje /
ONLINE live learning platform
Total: 108 hours
Lecture dynamics: twice a week
Teaching location – hybrid:
Heidelberg Faculty of Skopje /
ONLINE live learning platform
Total: 48 hours
Lecture dynamics: twice a week
January 2025
Teaching location – hybrid:
Heidelberg Faculty of Skopje /
ONLINE live learning platform
Total: 96 hours
Lecture dynamics: once a week
Teaching location – hybrid:
Heidelberg Faculty of Skopje /
ONLINE live learning platform
Total: 75 hours
Lecture dynamics: twice a week
MAY 2024
Teaching location – hybrid:
Heidelberg Faculty of Skopje /
ONLINE live learning platform
Total: 160 hours
Lecture dynamics: twice a week
MARCH 2024
Teaching location – hybrid:
Heidelberg Faculty of Skopje /
ONLINE live learning platform
Total: 224 hours
Lecture dynamics: twice a week
MAY 2024
Teaching location – hybrid:
Heidelberg Faculty of Skopje /
ONLINE live learning platform
Total: 120 hours
Lecture dynamics: twice a week
MARCH 2024
Teaching location – hybrid:
Heidelberg Faculty of Skopje /
ONLINE live learning platform
Total: 66 hours
Lecture dynamics: twice a week
MAY 2024
Teaching location – hybrid:
Heidelberg Faculty of Skopje /
ONLINE live learning platform
Total: 200 hours
Lecture dynamics: twice a week
I was part of the first generation of listeners at the Academy of Digital Marketing for a period of 2 semesters. Before making the final decision and applying, I thought about several different institutions that organized trainings of a similar kind. But the detailed course plan and content to be studied, the international certification, the professional attitude of the staff who were always ready for additional questions were just some of the details that contributed to my final decision. This Academy has lived up to my expectations. The lecturers were professionals in their field who in the best way with combinations of theory and work on real projects selflessly transferred their knowledge. After graduating from the Academy of Digital Marketing, I am completely ready for a new direction and challenge on a professional level, more and more current and sought after nowadays. We are currently working with the mentor on a Master Thesis, a challenge that I gladly accepted and I hope will be realized successfully.
I am delighted to end this year with successfully finishing my Certified Mobile App Developer course. It’s been one year of intense schedule, full of challenges and new skills acquired that make the effort worth it. Thank you Institute for Business & Management Heidelberg Skopje for making this possible, for your flexibility and the support provided. Special thanks to our lecturer Kliment Simoncev for your valued guidance throughout this course, for your professionalism, full dedication and immersive support, it was the best educational experience I had so far. Looking forward to a more productive and successful 2022, way beyond of this starting point.
I knew the lecturers will be outstanding, but I was quite surprised how happy I was dipping into data for our project assignments. I recommend this certification to all professionals willing to develop their skills in the field of risk management and credit analysis.
“My career transformation in Heidelberg is undoubtedly my best move. The beginnings of the Academy set high goals but also promised great achievements. My success is certainly the result of Heidelberg’s entire team and the quality of backed knowledge led by successful professionals who selflessly put a lot of effort and time into all the lectures. I gave maximum effort and with the great support from the mentors crowned me with my employment in Valtech, for which I am very proud and happy, I simply SUCCEEDED. “
“I am satisfied with the Academy, there were excellent professors with great knowledge in the fields they taught. I am even more satisfied with the fact that I found myself in one of the technologies that were part of the lectures, and the topics presented in the program contain practical examples for implementation in everyday work. Thanks to the aforementioned and the Heidelberg expert lecturers who were available to me to ‘use’ their know-how, I got a job at the global Digital Agency Valtech.”
Пред да се запишам на “CERTIFIED FULL STACK WEB DEVLOPMENT” Академијата имав првично искуство во различни технологии, но по препорака на други студенти – одлучив да земам учество – Академијата Хајделберг ми даде можност
да се стекнам со одлично знаење за веб развој, база која ќе ми користи во мојот понатамошен развој во оваа област.
FULL STACK WEB DEVLOPMENT е одличен избор за кариера.
Моментално, побарувачката за full stack програмери е голема, и бизниси од различни индустрии имаат потреба од FULL STACK WEB DEVLOPMENT програмери.
Сакам да ја изразам мојата искрена благодарност до Хајделберг за нивната непроценлива поддршка во моето патување за да постигнам сертификација со Full Stack.
Деталната Програма , стручните инструктори и практичниот пристап на учење одиграа витална улога во стекнување на вештини и доверба потребни во оваа област.
1. Мојата иднина ја гледам како слатка мешавина на 3Д дизајнирање и фронт енд девелопинг. Сметам дека креативноста и идеите ќе ги применам во неколку сфери.
2. Идејата за да почнам со академијата ми произлезе од интересот да ја знам позадината на веб апликациите, кои ги користам секојдневно. Живееме во свет кој е се повеќе заснован и зависен од технологијата, а да се знае функционирањето на истата е од клучно значење за полесно снаоѓање во овој свет.
3. За искуството во академијата имам само добри зборови, предавателите несебично се посветија, првенствено пријателски. Имаше атмосфера која те тера да учиш.
4. На идните веб девелопери би им препорачала да не застануваат кога ќе наидат поголемите препреки.
Hi, my name is Anastasija Aleksovska, I am a certified full stack web developer.
2 years ago, I chose Heidelberg Business School to help me learn from scratch, and I haven’t regretted it one bit ! The team was great, and the teachers were open to help me anytime l needed.
If you want to learn from the best Heidelberg Business School is who you should call!
1.Can we learn something more about you and your career path?
I am a lawyer by education, currently I work as a Manager of a project that aims at facilitating the access to the labor market to young people from vulnerable categories.
2. How did you come up with the idea to enroll in the “CERTIFIED FULL STACK WEB DEVELOPMENT” Academy?
My personal motive was not to make an instant shift to employment in the IT industry, but to learn something new. Before enrolling in the Academy, I attended short online tutorials on the basics of programming. That piqued my interest in attending a comprehensive web development program. For this purpose, I did a little research on the available online academies for full stack web development in our country and the academy of IBM Heidelberg appeared to me to be the most comprehensive and well structured. I decided to enroll in their program, and from today’s perspective, I think I made the right choice.
3. What is your experience with the Academy and how much it helped you in what you do today?
The classes were organized 2-3 times a week, over a period of 18 months, which was sufficient to cover all important topics, as well as programs and tools used in full stack web development. The Academy lecturers were an exceptional team of professionals with extensive experience in the field who really knew how to share their knowledge with the students (Kudos to all of you for all the good work you have been doing and the patience you showed working with us😊)
The program was well structured and the methodology was based on learning by doing. I strongly recommend the Academy to all those who want to pursue a career as a full stack or front-end/back-end developer.
4. Finally, what would you recommend to future students of the “CERTIFIED FULL STACK WEB DEVLOPMENT” program?
To be active, to ask questions, to try not to miss a single class of the academy and to practice even on the days when they don’t have classes😊 The academy provides an excellent foundation, but how good developer you will be depends also on how much extra time and energy you will invest in your personal development.
You can make the payment directly with a credit card on the website itself when purchasing a seminar or by paying an invoice in several installments after a previously signed agreement.
In the certification programs can enroll anyone who wants to qualify or retrain for the chosen field in the certification programs. For that purpose, having a minimum of prior knowledge in the chosen field of each candidate is a facilitating circumstance in studying the programs. Namely, the programs, except for the postgraduate master studies, do not require prior formal higher education.
Seminars are held live with physical presence at a predetermined location and time. Seminars are also held live online through the ZOOM platform. For each organized seminar, the way, time and place of the event are certain in advance, which is published on the website.
Executive Certification are held hybrid: live with the physical presence of the group following the program, with a predetermined schedule for lectures or online.
NOTE: the lectures with several months of training programs are held after working hours, once or twice a week (for each training is explained in detail in the information of the program itself).
Lecturers of all programs are domestic and international practitioners with at least 10 years of work experience in the fields they teach. In each of the programs there are expert lecturers who are available for you to “use” their know-how.
Each listener receives materials in the form of presentations, exercises, excels, books, additional (video and audio) materials and directions where they can get more information on topics related to the lectures for anyone who wants to expand their study.
At the German higher education institution Heidelberg Institute for Business and Management in Skopje has accredited (in 2018) 4 academic programs for master studies, as follows:
• MBA in Finance & Controlling (60 ECTS)
• MBA in Finance & Controlling (120 ECTS)
• Business Data Governance & Business Informatics (60 ECTS)
• Business Data Governance & Business Informatics (120 ECTS)
Eligible to enroll are all graduate students – “Bachelor” for one-year programs of 60 ECTS, who previously acquired 240 ECTS, while for enrollment in two-year master programs of 120 ECTS, students with previously acquired 180 ECTS have the right to enroll.
• upon completion of the master’s program MBA in Finance & Controlling (60 or 120 ECTS) students gain prestigious international certifications (2 of the above 4):
Risk Management (EU Certificate according to European Banking Federation in Brussels)
Credit Analysis (EU Certificate according to European Banking Federation in Brussels)
Compliance (EU Certificate according to European Banking Federation in Brussels)
Certified Controller (German Diploma from Germany)
• Completion of the master’s program – Business Data Governance & Business Informatics (60 or 120 ECTS) students gain prestigious international certifications (2 of the above 4):
Certificate CISA / ISACA Certificate
BI & Big Data (German Diploma)
Digital Design Communication
Certification for Developers