Unique approach to integrating the arts to teach banking, controlling & IT


The creation of modern concepts of specialist postgraduate education and the setting up new educational and professional standards based on practice are one of the basic goals of the program. That means a development of educational and study programs from second and third cycle in partnership with international prestigious and higher educational institutions and conducting scientific research in the fields of management, business, finance, banking, controlling and information technologies.

The aim of the program is also the challenge to develop realization of international certification with ECTS credits in partnership with the “Academy of Banking and Information Technology – ABIT in the fields of banking and information technologies. The program expresses the need to set goals that are based on the employment of students who will enroll at the Institute in accordance with the principle of “work-study” during the period of the whole cycle of studies, as well as assisting through specialized training and certification in the areas of: Management, Banking, Accounting, Controlling, Information Technologies and Entrepreneurship (e-learning model).

The objectives of the program also include realization of national and international seminars and conferences in partnership with the German institute “FORUM Institute of Management” Heidelberg (Germany) in the fields of management, pharmacy and health, patenting, trademarks and licenses, financial services, human resources, controlling, taxation, accounting and information technologies, personal development of the managers and the assistant managers and the law.


The Institute for Business and Management Heidelberg – Skopje, in its founding, fosters a high level of business relations with individuals and organizations that are outside the immediate control of management, and have a direct impact on the ability to achieve the expected results of all stakeholders. Namely, organizations that have a direct impact on the ability to achieve the expected results on all stakeholders of the Institute are prominent educational organizations, as follows:

 FORUM Institute of Management – Heidelberg (Germany),
 C & MEA – Controlling & Management Excellence Academy (Germany)
 University of Applied Management Studies – Mannheim (Germany),
• Strascheg Institute for Innovation and Entrepreneurship – SIIE (Germany),
• University of Applied Sciences – Stern (Austria),
• Frankfurt School of Finance & Management (Germany)
• Academy of Banking and Information Technology – ABIT

as well as several prominent members of the European Banking Association of Brussels (EU), as part of the European Banking Federation, as well as with several prominent members of the International Control Group based in Austria.

The Institute of Business and Management Heidelberg – Skopje also cooperates with other distinguished international educational organizations, authorities and bodies in the country and abroad in accordance with the legal regulations on several issues on the problems and challenges in the development of business, management, finance, banking and information technologies:

 Cooperation on issues and problems of mutual programs with partners from EU Member States and of a national interest with appropriate institutions in the country focusing on various areas of entrepreneurship and its relationship to modern banking and emerging information technologies, such as: joint projects, studies, entrepreneurial strategies of local, regional and national significance, etc.
 Develop programs for the development of research projects on contemporary trends and challenges in the formal educational system for implementing certification (as informal) in the formal executive postgraduate education.
 Providing expert opinion on normative acts and regulations from the business world, management and finance, as an expression of the results of the scientific and research work. Cooperation on the basis of other issues of common interest to the Institute and the relevant institutions in the Republic of Macedonia.
 Realizing long-term cooperation with external scientific-research institutions, universities, faculties, academies, etc. in programs of common interest, the formation of joint international research project teams as part of the concept of integration European processes for realization of joint projects

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In accordance with the work program for the scientific and research work of the Institute for Business and Management Heidelberg – Skopje, in addition to the preparation of various types of projects, programs, studies, etc., it will be dealing with publishing and librarian activities: organizing and introducing professional publishing activity, organizing seminars, symposiums, scientific conferences, professional and scientific consultations, debates, forums and publishing the contents of them in collections and other types of publications (multilingual) with international presentation and scientific communication.


The program contents of the scientific and research work are related to the creation of modern concepts of specialist education and professional and educational standards based on the practice in the field of business, management, finance, banking and informational technologies.

The program structure of the activity as an operation subject of the Institute contains the following:

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1. Programming of scientific and research work:
• International Sales Management;
• Human Resources Management;
• Information Technology Management;
• International Management and Leadership;
• Certified risk manager;
• Certified Manager for Compliance;
• Certified Credit Analyst;
• Certified manager of a branch;
• Certified accounting specialist;
• Certified Controller;
• Certified retail bank manager;
• Certified Trade and Finance Manager;
• Information Technology Specialist.

3. Research work in the field of management:
• Science for organization;
• Theory and organization of business systems;
• Management system;
• Banking Management;
• Strategic management;
• Accounting management;
• Financial management;
• Marketing Management;
• International Management;
• Logistics;
• Business communication;
• Deciding;
• Management in administration;
• Management in agriculture;
• Healthcare management;
• Manager in education;
• Insurance management;
• Social management;
• Management in customs and shipping;
• Human Resources Management.

5. Research work in the field of finance, accounting and control:
• IFRS for small and medium-sized enterprises;
• Accounting – tax accounting;
• Accounting for merchandise and accounting for • production;
• Banking accounting;
• Budget accounting;
• Control systems;
• Controlling management;
• Management reports;
• IGC model in the process of controlling;
• CPI process of controlling;
• Modern budgeting;
• Strategic business plan;
• Analysis of financial reports in the function of controlling;
• Advanced financial analysis;
• Contemporary Audit Concepts;
• Corporate finance;
• Financial management;
• Internal audit;
• Factoring and forfeiting;
• Harmonizing the work of financial institutions;
• Selection, application and disclosure of the change in the accounting policy in the insurance;
• Banking insurance;
• Distribution channels for insurance products.

2. Research work in the field of business:
• Entrepreneurship and small business;
• Business Psychology for Success;
• Improving customer service;
• Sale;
• Napoleon Hill business principles;
• Business accounting;
• Business management;
• Business environment;
• Business communication;
• Business ethics.

4. Research work in the field of banking:
• Basel standards;
• Internal capital adequacy assessments;
• Business intelligence in banking;
• Banking with legal entities and physical entities;
• Collection of claims and troublesome placements;
• Retail banking;
• Management of banking network;
• Areas and functions of compliance with regulations;
• Financing trade;
• Crediting, financial analysis and project management;
• Risk management and reporting;
• Audit, internal control and IFRS and taxation;
• Financial markets and international transactions;
• Financial and banking products and operations.

6. Research work in the field of information • technologies:
 Management of information systems;
• Management of systems;
• Theory of systems and control;
• Information systems and programming;
• Program languages and systems;
 Numerical analysis;
• Artificial intelligence;
• Computational integration methods and integration;
• Simulation;
• Development of software and databases;
• Architecture of computer systems;
• Databases;
• Information processing;

7. Project management:
• Management, staffing, bargaining, quality and risk of the project when designing the project task;
• Planning, monitoring and control of the project and the necessary activities in the realization of the project;
• Programming of management (program, process, appearance, project organization and multi-project management).

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