#HeidelbergInterview: Dzeneta Ibrovich (Full-Stack Web Developer)

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Dzeneta Ibrovich, is a graduate psychologist, a graduate of the Faculty of Law and a Heidelberg alumna of the Full-Stack Web Development program. Today, she works in the global digital agency focused on business transformation – Valtech  as a Junior .NET Engineer.

  1. What is your Heidelberg story and your experience as a listener?

The very beginning and organization of the classes required great seriousness, dedication and work from all students. The training was supported by quality selected material with a focus on building a solid foundation of knowledge for further professional challenges. Special ‘Thank You’ to the mentors who welcomed us warmly in the profession and who did their best to transfer the knowledge in the best possible way.

  1. What motivated you to enroll in the Certified Full-Stack Web Developer program?

Years ago, I carried the feeling that my creativity is not in the right place where I can capture my abilities. It was a spark for me to even start thinking about enrolling in training, but as I went deeper into the information, I was determined to want a bigger step in my career. At the height of the pandemic there was a lull, and I was ready for a positive “storm”, I decided it was time for change, time for new challenges. I did a lot of research because I wanted quality knowledge and Heidelberg definitely answered my questions, and I was not wrong at all.

  1. Tell us about your career transformation.

After completing the training through the Heidelberg Institute in Skopje, I got the opportunity to apply in Valtech. Even today I can feel the day and night work, the strive and maximum effort while working on the tasks, I invested 200% of myself just to succeed. I left for the interview with a suitcase full of lectures, tips, experiences from the previous year spent on the training, but also great support from the entire Heidelberg team that followed me during the recruitment. The day I officially became part of Valtech is one of the dates circled on my private calendar.

  1. Message for future students.

Love is crucial for this profession because you will need motivation throughout your career, a desire for constant progress and continuous learning. Do your best because success is something you must achieve and feel on your own. I think Heidelberg is the right place for a quality career start.

I wish a successful training to all future students!

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