Joint cooperation in the field of certification and vocational german education

Vocational German Education

The representative of the German institute Heidelberg in Skopje and the executive direcot of ABIT Dr. Naumoski at the meeting with the Ambassador of Moldova, Stefan Gorda

The representative of the german Institute Heidelberg in Skopje and the executive director of ABIT, Dr. Sinisa Naumoski met with the Ambassador of Moldova (for Bulgaria, Macedonia and Albania), Mr. Stefan Gorda, in Sofia. Therefore, on the meeting was promote the future cooperation and promotion of the friendly relations of Republic of Macedonia with Republic of Moldova by Ambassador Gorda, bringing together the contemporary educational processes and opportunities for participation in joint educational projects under the mentory of the German educational institution Heidelberg based in Skopje .

In this direction, the Ambassador Gorda invited the Institute of Business and Management HAJDELBERG (with a branch in Skopje) for organizing mutual seminars and conferences in 2019 as an initiative for better acquainting the possibilities and capacities for intensifying the joint cooperation in the field of certification and vocational German education.

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